
Saturday, November 01, 2008


IF I had stayed married the first time, today would have been my 16th wedding anniversary. WHOAH!!!

IF I had not miscarried the one and only other time that I was actually pregnant in my life before Jay came along, I would have a 12 year old child.

IF I had not raised my hand that fateful morning in church, I would have missed out on 11 years walking with Christ.

But I didn't...

And I did...

And boy did I...

Life could sure be different…

What about you?

1 comment:

**** April **** said...

OH wow... yeah, if I'd have stayed married the first time... I'd have been married 14 years this month. YIKES! That's some scary facts... wow...

There are far too many ifs... man... I want to look forward and forget a lot of the past. LOL